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Everything you need to know about Cabin Air Filter Replacement

Defining a Cabin Air Filter

Basically, a cabin air filter is placed on most automobiles behind the glove compartment. A cabin air filter helps in filtering the dust, mold spores, pollen, pollution etc through the AC and heating system.

Now that you know cabin air filters that impact the automobile’s air quality. The next question to ask is, “How often should I replace a cabin air filter?”

When should my cabin air filter be replaced

The sad part is most individuals are oblivious to the presence of cabin air filters in their vehicle, there are less chances that it will be changed. It is important to maintain a high air quality of your cabin’s air filter, therefore stay updated about it.

It should be noted that your cabin air filter replacement depends on the model, make and year of the automobile. Hence, check the owner’s manual to verify. Generally, many cabin air filters can be replaced anywhere between 15,000 and 30,000 miles. There are certain symptoms that can be noticed such as decreased air flow while climate control systems are switched on, foul smells prevailing and increased amount of dust settled on vehicle resurfaces.

Where should my Cabin Air Filter be replaced

Replacement of a cabin air filter can be quite easy in many vehicles.

Here’s the procedure to replace a cabin air filter:

  • Open the owner’s manual. You will be able to locate the air filter for your particular automobile. That’s how it will become simpler to discover how to replace the cabin air filter.

  • The cabin air filter can be easily accessed if it is located under the hood or behind the glove. However, it could be a tad challenging if it is placed under the dashboard.

  • You must guard yourself against the dusty air by wearing a mask and gloves because filter can get a bit messy.

  • Now it is time for replacing the old air filter with a clen and new one.

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